Michelle Adcock, Circuit Clerk
Rankin County, Mississippi
(601) 825-1466
Mississippi voter registration
To vote in Mississippi, you must first register. There are many ways to register. No matter which way you choose, your county’s voter registrar must receive your application at least 30 days before an election.
Ways to register to vote:
In-person. Visit the Circuit Clerk's office at 215 East Government Street in Brandon MS.
By mail. Print form, sign and mail to the above and mail to the Circuit Clerk Registrar
Can register through the Mississippi Department of Motor Vehicle DMV.
Upcoming elections:
City Elections - For cities running Primaries April 1, 2025, General June 3, 2025
*** Please check with your city for more information.
County Special Election - November 4, 2025
Absentee Voting - *Must meet qualifications.​​​​​
College Students: Call our office or email us at circuitclerk@rankincounty.org. Include your name, address, phone number and address at college.
*Must have valid excuse as to why you are not able to vote on election day. Over 65, Disabled, Work Hours, Student away at college, Out of the County or Out of the Country are the common reasons for voting absentee.
Where do I register to vote?
Your local Circuit Clerk's office. You register in the county that you live. You have several ways to register:
1. Visit the office and fill out a voter registration form.
2. Print, fill out and mail a voter registration form to the Circuit Clerk's office.
3. Visit the DMV and update your Driver's License information. They will take voter registration through the DMV
and send the information to us.
If I am Military or a citizen residing outside of the county, how do I register and request a ballot?
You must fill out and file a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) with your Circuit Clerk. You can submit this form
directly to our office at michelle@rankincounty.org. It's best to submit the form on SAFEVOTEMS on the link above. The FPCA is valid until the end of the year so only need to submit once. This will allow military and overseas citizens to register and vote safely online. Registeration deadline is October 26 but you can request a ballot up until election day.
How do I know where I vote?
Your voter registration card tells you where to vote. If you have moved, you must vote in your new polling location. Mississippi Law requires you to vote where you live. If you have moved inside the county and have not updated your voter registration, you can still vote. You will be required to go to your new polling location and vote by affidavit. That will update your voter information in our system.
Can I vote absentee?
​​If you are over 65, temporarily or permanently disabled, away at school, work hours, etc, you can vote absentee in the Circuit Clerk's office 45 days in advance. ​​Please come to the clerk's office with photo ID and tell the deputy clerk why you need to vote absentee. The clerk will let you sign an affidavit stating why you need to vote and let you vote.
Can I get an absentee ballot mailed to me?
​Yes. If you are over 65, you can request a ballot 60 days in advance to be mailed to you. ​If you are disabled and can't get to the polls, you can request a ballot be mailed or we can vote you curbside. To vote curbside, please call and make an appointment. ​If you are a student away at college, we can mail you a ballot.​​​If you are military or overseas, fill out a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) and email it to michelle@rankincounty.org. Deadline to file a FPCA is October 26.
Does my absentee vote count?
​Yes, your vote will count if you mail it back properly, it is postmarked by election day and we are in receipt of the ballot within 5 working days of the election. Absentee ballots are opened and scanned by a resolution committee at 7pm of the night of the election. Due to the number of ballots, counting might be extended to the next day. All results are unofficial until every vote is counted.