Michelle Adcock, Circuit Clerk
Rankin County, Mississippi
(601) 825-1466
Report Date: JANUARY 21, 2025
Panel R-A - Report at 8:30am​​
Serving on Jury Duty is the most important civic duty you can do other than serving in the military. Your jury service is for one week only. Most trials only last 2-3 days. Jurors are selected at random and must meet certain qualifications:
Rules of Court:
No cell phones, purses, guns or knives allowed in the Courthouse.
No shorts, halters or flip flops allowed in court.
No children are allowed.
A prospective juror must:
be at least 21 years of age
be either a qualified elector of the county summoned, or a resident freeholder of the county for more than one year
be able to read and write
not be convicted of an infamous crime, or the unlawful sale of intoxicating liquors within a period of five years
Arrive a few minutes early to fill out a jury information card.
Please call the phone number on your jury postcard the night before to get current instructions from the court.
Excused from Service
You will not be excused simply because jury service would interfere with your regular activities or work schedule. However, you may be excused in cases of genuine hardship or need. For instance, you may request to be excused because of illness to yourself or illness to another who would require your assistance. You may request to be excused if jury service would inflict serious financial loss to yourself or your business. You may also request to be excused for any other legitimate emergency or hardship. Please fill out the Jury Excuse form below and email it to us.
If you are over the age of sixty-five (65) or if you have completed jury service in an actual trial for this Court within the past two (2) years, you will be excused if you do not wish to serve. Just send us an email or give us a call.
If you no longer reside in the county from which you received a jury summons, you will need to fill out the voter excuse form and let us know you moved including your new address and phone number. This will excuse you from jury service and remove you from the voter roll.
For all other excuses, please fill out the excuse form and get it returned to our office before the morning of jury duty.
​​You can submit your excuse by filing out this form and submitting it to our office:
Jury Excuse FORM click here.
Mail: P O BOX 1599, Brandon MS 39042
Email jury@rankincounty.org
Office: 601.825.1466
For information about jury duty, please call the Circuit Clerk's Office at 601-825-1466.